Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Older but hopefully getting wiser . . . .

Hubby had a birthday today and that has been the happiest part of the last week or so. Haven't had the best of news in our family lately and it got me thinking. I also have a birthday coming up and I always complain and moan about getting old and not wanting to have another birthday, etc., etc.

I can't promise that I won't ever complain about looking in the mirror and seeing gravity at work, but I'm not going to complain about another birthday. If I catch myself thinking that way, I'm going to remind myself how many people would love to see another birthday - and how many people are going through hell to get to another birthday. So really - is another wrinkle all that bad?

We did have the chance to see my cousin, Mike, from AL who I haven't seen in so so long (and his beautiful wife, Rhonda). We talked about how his Dad saved him, his sister and me from drowning in Perdido creek when I was little. Can you belive there was a story that my husband hadn't heard? He was just sure he'd heard all my stories, but a girls got to have a little mystery now and then, right?

So, on the subject of getting wiser: Did you know owls are a very popular item at the moment? This is my owl picture from the 1970's. The author is Richard Hinger - This is a great print, right?  You'll be really intriqued if you google Richard Hinger.


I hope I really am getting a little wiser about what's important and what's not.  Went to Easter service with Mom & Joe.  I've been going with Mom and actually like it - who knew?

Friday, April 8, 2011

The fun part is shopping

Well, two months into running my new business,  I've had a wee bit of success and learned a lot! Here are some of the things that I've learned.

1. Shopping is by far the best part. It is good therapy for my back and takes my mind off everything else.

2. Selling vintage and antique items takes a lot of time. I spend far more time researching the history of an item (who made it, when, etc.), than I did shopping for it. Who knew it would take forever to find information about an item that just has 7091 with a g under it?? I've never tried before, but it's hard!

3. Photography is key to selling on-line and it takes me a long time to get a great picture. When hubby bought all of our photo equipment, back in the day, I thought it was a lot of $$. Now, I am so GLAD he did and I'm ever so grateful for his photography expertise and that not only is he always willing to help me, but he really wants to help me and will drop everything and run out to Home Depot when necessary. Reminds me how really lucky I am to have him.

4.  I've learned that getting that first sale is really tough.  There are some amazing things at JBs Cottage Chic (Jenn's design vision for vintage modern items), but we've yet to get a sale.  Take a look at it on the bottom of the page.

Mama is in LA (the state) and gets to hold all of her great grandbabies - I'm so jealous. Wish I was there - I miss my big brothers! But, I know that I have to share Mom, sharing is caring (Those of you that know Ang know she would say "I do not care to share"). I miss my girls too, but we better not go there - that would just lead to empty nest, crying, etc.

Until next time, remember Vintage is better. I love "Americana".