Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Older but hopefully getting wiser . . . .

Hubby had a birthday today and that has been the happiest part of the last week or so. Haven't had the best of news in our family lately and it got me thinking. I also have a birthday coming up and I always complain and moan about getting old and not wanting to have another birthday, etc., etc.

I can't promise that I won't ever complain about looking in the mirror and seeing gravity at work, but I'm not going to complain about another birthday. If I catch myself thinking that way, I'm going to remind myself how many people would love to see another birthday - and how many people are going through hell to get to another birthday. So really - is another wrinkle all that bad?

We did have the chance to see my cousin, Mike, from AL who I haven't seen in so so long (and his beautiful wife, Rhonda). We talked about how his Dad saved him, his sister and me from drowning in Perdido creek when I was little. Can you belive there was a story that my husband hadn't heard? He was just sure he'd heard all my stories, but a girls got to have a little mystery now and then, right?

So, on the subject of getting wiser: Did you know owls are a very popular item at the moment? This is my owl picture from the 1970's. The author is Richard Hinger - This is a great print, right?  You'll be really intriqued if you google Richard Hinger.


I hope I really am getting a little wiser about what's important and what's not.  Went to Easter service with Mom & Joe.  I've been going with Mom and actually like it - who knew?

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