Saturday, March 12, 2011

Things I didn't know.....

I didn't know I would love this sooooo much. I can spend hours wandering around thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales. The fun part is finding things. I haven't been able to narrow my focus - I just love what I love, even if I don't know why, and that's that.

I also didn't know that it would take so long to research and write a good description of that special treasure that I just found (or found 3 weeks ago). One of my favorite finds so far is the Teddy Bear Cookie Jar in Blue Spatterware. I happened upon a book about Country Kitchens in a thrift store and as I was browzing through it with my morning coffee, I noticed they had whole kitchens built around collections of Blue Spatterware and/or Blue Spongeware. It was news to me, but what isn't......I'm certainly no expert on antiques, I just know I love them.

A few days later I found a new thrift store run by the Soroptimist's Club (hope I spelled that right). They are a group of ladies who support charities for Women and Children. This particular club opened a thrift store instead of holding bake sales, car washes, etc. Anyway, they get loads of cool stuff from Estate Sales. I saw Teddy Blue and it was love at first sight. I would love to fill him up with homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies or Raison Oatmeal Cookies, but then I'd just eat them all and that wouldn't be good.

I also didn't know just how much joy this new adventure would bring by way of my oldest, newly married, beautiful daughter, Jenn. She and I love old things, but she lives in Alabama :( . She is so good at designing and staging for parties and photos and she has definate ideas about vintage interior design. This has been so much fun talking with her and getting her ideas. And best of all, I don't have to tell her or my favorite pastry chef in Rhinebeck, NY that "I can't talk right now - I'm really busy and I have to get this done before blah blah blah."

I realize just how lucky I am to be able to give this new lifestyle a try (even though I don't have any choices left because of multiple back surgeries). The stress level is definately low low low, and it gives me a sense of purpose - after all, I've worked since I was 15 years old and it would be too too hard to be a work-a-holic without some kind of job.....

Until next time - thanks for reading. Send me an email, share your thoughts, do you like Teddy Blue, or is he "just ok"?


  1. I am so glad that you are enjoying this new career. You sound so happy and relaxed. I think it is very true that thinks happen for a reason, it just takes us a while to figure out what that reason is.

    I like the bear and a very interesting story behind it. Your writing and the items you have chosen to sell, shows how much you enjoy searching for those special proud of you.
    Love Pat
